The annual cost to attend UW-Eau克莱尔 includes tuition, fees, housing 和 dining. We offer reciprocity for Minnesota students, 如果你是居住在威斯康辛州或明尼苏达州以外的澳门葡京网赌送彩金校友的子女或孙子,我们有“返回威斯康辛州”计划——非居民学费的25%折扣.
新! 中西部学费
The 中西部学费计划 is available to residents of Illinois, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 密歇根, 密苏里州, 内布拉斯加州, 北达科他, 俄亥俄州和南达科他州. This tuition rate applies to all bachelor’s programs, 2024年秋季对新生生效. 在这里查看估计的学费.
2024-25 Estimated Undergraduate Tuition/Fees (2 semesters)
WI居民 | MN互惠 | 返回WI | 走读生 | 中西部学费 | |
学费/ * | $9,783 | $10,534 | $14,989 | $19,369 | $13,748 |
房间* * | $5,248 | $5,248 | $5,248 | $5,248 | $5,248 |
餐* * * | $3,730 | $3,730 | $3,730 | $3,730 | $3,730 |
总计 | $18,761 | $19,512 | $23,967 | $28,347 | $22,726 |
**按标准双人房计算. 详细资料请参阅 所有房价.
*** Based on most popular meal plan (Gold Flex Meal Plan). 详细资料请参阅 餐计划.
For more information on 金融援助 Cost of Attendance, 点击这里.
In determining resident status for tuition purposes, different st和ards are used than those which may be used for voting, 纳税, 等.
How is residency for tuition purposes established or determined?
威斯康星州法规,第36条.27(2), govern resident status for tuition purposes. 如果你 do not qualify as a Wisconsin resident, you must pay full nonresident tuition. In determining resident status for tuition purposes, different st和ards are used than those which may be used for voting, 纳税, 等. 以教育为主要目的来威斯康辛州的个人,即使在威斯康辛州居住了一年或更长时间,也不会自动符合威斯康辛州居民的学费要求. 在一般情况下, 你必须在入学前至少12个月是威斯康星州的真正居民,才有资格获得州内学费, 但也有一些例外:
- 如果你从威斯康辛州的高中毕业,并且你的父母在你入学之前的12个月里一直住在威斯康辛州, 你可能有资格成为威斯康星州居民.
- If one of your parents lives in Wisconsin 和 you are a tax dependent of one of your parents, you may be able to pay fees 和 tuition at the resident rate.
- 如果你 are a refugee who came to Wisconsin immediately upon entering the United States, you may be able to pay fees 和 tuition at the resident rate. 如果你是驻扎在威斯康辛州的武装部队的成员,你也可能有资格按居民费率支付, 每年在威斯康辛州工作的移民工人或这些类别之一的人的配偶或子女. Contact the 招生 Office at (715) 836-5415 or admissions@uwec.Edu获取进一步解释.
- 如果你, 你的配偶, 或者有人声称你是联邦税依赖者,在过去12个月内搬到威斯康辛州开始全职工作, or plans to do so before the beginning of the term for which you are applying, 你可能有资格支付住宿费. The full-time employment must be accepted before an application for admission is filed.
在学期开始和之前的12个月确定您的真实居住地, your intent to establish 和 maintain a permanent home in Wisconsin is determinative.
您可以通过诸如及时提交威斯康星州所得税申报表之类的因素来证明或反驳意图,这种类型的申报表只有威斯康星州全年居民才能提交, 你的陈述, 威斯康星州的选民登记, 威斯康辛州的机动车登记, 拥有威斯康辛州的驾驶执照, 工作地点, 自立, involvement in community activities in Wisconsin, 以及在开始上大学之前至少在威斯康辛州居住12个月.
If I believe my classification as a nonresident is incorrect, what can I do?
You may contact the UW-Eau克莱尔 招生 Office at admissions@dienvienthong.net or (715) 836-5415, for interpretation 和 further information about residency appeals.
If I enroll at UW-Eau克莱尔 as a nonresident, can I be considered a resident after one year in school?
一般来说,没有. 如果你从州外进入威斯康辛州,并留在该州主要是为了接受教育, 假定您继续居住在州外,您将继续被归类为非居民. 如果你 believe you qualify for Wisconsin residency, 您可以通过招生办公室填写申诉表格,要求将您的居住分类更改为“居民”.“基本上, you must prove with clear 和 convincing evidence that you have made Wisconsin your permanent home, 威斯康辛州是你在注册前至少12个月的永久住所, 和 that you are not in Wisconsin primarily for educational purposes.
How can I learn more about the laws governing Wisconsin residency?
The UW-Eau克莱尔 招生 Office can provide you with detailed information about residency. View a complete overview about resident status for the Universities of Wisconsin campuses.
目前明尼苏达州和威斯康星州之间的互惠协议使明尼苏达州居民能够以与明尼苏达州州立大学系统机构大致相同的价格就读威斯康星州的公立高等教育机构. 那些希望利用这种互惠的人必须在他们在威斯康辛系统机构的首次注册之前很好地申请. 批准涵盖全年(包括夏季课程),并且每年在最初批准的校园自动更新. 你可以在网上申请 网上学费互惠申请 or, if you have additional questions about reciprocity, contact the 明尼苏达州高等教育办公室 at (800) 657-3866.
新! 中西部学费
The 中西部学费计划 is available to residents of Illinois, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 密歇根, 密苏里州, 内布拉斯加州, 北达科他, 俄亥俄州和南达科他州. This tuition rate applies to degree seeking programs, 2024年秋季对新生生效
- 符合条件的校友的子女和孙辈的非居民学费将享受25%的折扣.
- Qualifying alumni are individual biological or legal parents, 亲生祖父母或法定监护人, 活着还是死了, who have previously earned either an undergraduate or graduate degree (associate, 学士, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校硕士或博士学位.
- 符合条件的学生必须满足所有适用于威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校所有其他申请人的入学要求.
- 回到威斯康星州 students will pay all other fees (special course charges, 房间, 董事会, 和 other expenses) at the same rates as other students.
- 返回威斯康辛州的学生将被安置在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的目标入学人数以上,并且不会取代威斯康辛州的居民.
- An eligible student or the student’s qualifying parent, gr和parent or legal guardian must be a legal resident of a state other than Wisconsin or Minnesota.
- The program does not apply to graduate tuition 和 fees.
- 学生必须填写表格 资格表格(PDF) 和 return the form to the Registrar’s office in order to evaluate eligibility. Contact the admissions office at 715-836-2311 or admissions@dienvienthong.net 了解更多信息.
2021-22学年, nonresident tuition 和 fees at UW-Eau克莱尔 are estimated at $17,150.00. With the 25 percent tuition discount, a 回到威斯康星州 student would pay $13,500.00美元的学杂费. A Wisconsin resident pays 2021-22 tuition 和 fees of $8,875.00.
欲了解更多信息或获取 资格表格(PDF), contact Joey Bohl, Assistant Director of 招生, at gibbonje@dienvienthong.net or (715) 836-2311.
如果你在四年或更短的时间内完成了威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的学士学位,并于2016年5月或更晚毕业, you may be eligible to take undergraduate courses at a discounted rate.
如果你毕业于2016年5月或之后, 和 completed your bachelor’s degree from UW-Eau克莱尔 in four years or less, you may be eligible for the Blugold校友学费折扣. 无论你住在哪里,这个折扣都可以让你以居民学费的25%的折扣学习本科课程!
符合条件的校友可在毕业后的5年内不限数量地学习本科课程. 入学将取决于我们的本科学位学生优先注册期后的课程可用性. 符合条件的校友返回获得第二个学士学位,将按照攻读学位学生的标准惯例分配注册时间.
25%的折扣只适用于当前的居民本科学费,不适用于任何额外的学生费用, 课程费用, 不同的学费和课程材料. 该折扣不适用于独立学习课程、实习、实习或学生教学. Students who transferred 到威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 from another institution are not eligible. All other UW-Eau克莱尔 regulations 和 deadlines for enrolled students will apply.
Application for the tuition discount is simple:
As soon as we have received both your eligibility form 和 re-entry application, 您将收到一封来自Blugold中央的电子邮件,确认您的资格并提供下一步的信息. 如果你正在攻读第二个本科学位,并对经济援助资格有疑问, 请电子邮件 Blugold中央. 如果你 want to take courses without pursuing a second degree, please refer to the information about being special student. Special students do not qualify for financial aid.
我们希望这次折扣能给你一个继续学习和提高专业技能的机会. 如果你 have any questions or need help, 请电子邮件 Blugold中央.
中西部学生交流计划(MSEP)提供伊利诺伊州的合法居民(仅限2022年春季), 印第安纳州, 堪萨斯, 密苏里州, 内布拉斯加州, 北达科他, or Ohio (effective Fall 2019) a special reduced tuition rate. This program is in effect only for the Fall 2021 cohort 和 earlier.
2024-2025年预计学杂费 | MSEP |
学费/ * | $13,748 |
房间* * | $5,248 |
餐* * * | $3,730 |
总计 | $22,726 |
**按标准双人房计算. 详细资料请参阅 所有房价.
*** Based on most popular meal plan (Platinum Meal Plan). 详细资料请参阅 餐计划.