Set your fitness goals on fire
保持积极的生活方式是你在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校体验的重要组成部分. Seventy-five percent (no kidding!这里的学生都参加某种娱乐活动——无论是室内的还是室外的, spring or fall. 娱乐和体育业务给你很多选择,以保持活跃, 包括很棒的设施、设备和程序来支持你在大学期间保持健康的生活方式.
Fitness Facilities
澳门葡京网赌送彩金’s fitness facilities cater to all your needs. 位于上校区的McPhee体育中心, 麦克菲力量和表现中心有55件重量训练设备和36个心血管单位. Is your residence hall located on upper campus? 我们的第二个健身设施,佳洁士健身中心,位于佳洁士健身大楼. The center features a contemporary atmosphere, a scenic view overlooking the Chippewa Valley, flat-screen TVs, free weight and cardio rooms, locker and shower facilities and a massage room. 无论是McPhee和佳洁士为任何健身爱好者提供充足的产品为最终锻炼. In addition, 山顶娱乐中心可供您和您的朋友使用, 环境探险中心和台球中心在哪里.
除了McPhee和Crest的主要地点, we now have two studios in Hilltop, one for general purpose and one for cycling. AND we have a brand new bouldering wall.
校园内也提供按摩治疗服务, at the Crest Wellness Center, 所以当你需要放松一下肌肉的时候, 或者只是在考试或期末考试时放松一下, we've got your pun intended.
Group fit fun
Group Exercise
寻找一个有趣的氛围,伟大的社区和一个梦幻般的锻炼? 我们每周为拥有Blugold ID的学生提供30多节免费课程. Examples of classes include:
- Barre Fit
- Boot Camp
- Cardiokick
- Cycling
- Pilates Yoga Strength
- Yoga
- Zumba
Run the Hill
Freshman Connection
新生连接旨在帮助学生顺利过渡到大学生活,同时发展他们的领导潜力. During the program, 学生将与未来的同学建立持久的关系, gain self-awareness, and develop a proactive approach to life. To register and for more information, visit freshman connection.
我们提供各种电子竞技游戏,可用于娱乐用途, club sport use, or varsity competition. Games include, but are not limited to:
- Apex Legends
- Fortnite
- League of Legends
- Overwatch
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Rocket League
- Super Smash Bros
- Valorant
Intramural Sports
Are you looking to get involved on campus? 加入校内运动队是结识新朋友的好方法, to stay active on campus and to have a bit of fun. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金为所有技能水平和兴趣提供运动选择, with options for men’s, women’s, co-rec, and open competition.
- Badminton
- Bag Toss
- Basketball (5v5, 3v3)
- Battle Ball
- Bowling
- Billiards
- Disc Golf
- Dodgeball
- Esports
- Flag Football
- Golf
- Ice hockey
- Indoor soccer
- Indoor Volleyball
- Kickball
- Outdoor soccer
- Pickleball
- Sand volleyball
- Softball
- Spikeball
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Yard Games
Many Club Sports
Club Sports
In addition to intramural sports teams, 我们还组织了俱乐部体育项目,让你有更多的机会参加你可能感兴趣的活动,而不是校际比赛. There are 30 Club Sports total.
- Baseball
- Blugold Nordic
- Bowling
- Cheer & Stunt Team
- Dance Team
- Disc Golf
- Eau Claire Dodgeball
- Eau Climbers
- Equestrian
- Esports
- Figure Skating
- Hwa Rang Do Tae Soo Do
- Men's Hockey
- Men's Lacrosse
- Men's Rugby
- Men's Soccer
- Men's Ultimate Frisbee
- Men's Volleyball
- Mixed Martial Arts
- Powerlifting
- Table Tennis Club
- Tennis Club
- Triathlon Club
- Two to Tango
- Waterski/Wakeboard Club
- Women’s Hockey
- Women’s Soccer
- Women's Rugby
- Women's Ultimate Frisbee
- Women's Volleyball
Environmental Adventure Center
环境冒险中心努力为布鲁戈尔德人提供非传统的户外活动和保持活跃的方式. 这就是为什么我们提供新的和令人兴奋的资源供您享受.
Adventure Trips
娱乐和体育设施最酷的产品之一是每学期进行的旅行计划. 这些短途旅行提供了享受和/或学习新活动的独特机会,其成本使他们难以抗拒! 所有需要的设备和大部分食物都包含在费用中. Here are a few examples of trips we have offered:
- Backpacking
- Biking
- Canoeing
- Cross-country skiing
- Ice climbing
- Rock climbing
- Spring Break trips
我们的室内射箭场是为了让学生, 教职员工有机会被介绍到射箭运动. 拥有Blugold ID,参与者可以免费使用设备,靶场,课程和弓存储.
Bike Program
Looking to rent a bike or bike locker? Need to get your bike or longboard serviced? You're in the right place! 目前的租赁选择包括Trek和Specialized Fat Tire Bikes. Lock and helmet provided.
Bouldering Wall
抱石墙位于山顶娱乐中心,对学生免费开放, and faculty/staff. 抱石是一种不需要绳索或吊带的攀岩形式,在不到14英尺高的人造表面上进行.
Climbing Wall
对于攀岩爱好者或有兴趣学习的人,我们有一个完整的攀岩墙. With indoor and outdoor programs, 你和你的朋友可以报名参加一些课程来练习基本的英语, refine your skills or just have fun. Fees do apply.
Disc Golf
澳门葡京网赌送彩金的飞盘高尔夫球场由九个洞组成,与传统高尔夫球场非常相似. The course is open every day, year round. Grab your friends and have some fun!
Golf Simulator
位于山顶娱乐中心的TruGolf Vista 12高尔夫模拟器可供预订. 您可以选择在练习场打球,也可以在我们图书馆的42个球场之一打一轮高尔夫球. 此外,我们的多运动模拟器是您的运动游戏的广泛阵列. 你可以玩一些动感十足的游戏,比如足球、躲避球和飞盘高尔夫. 你甚至可以在我们的西部射击场证明你的射击技巧. 所有游戏都提供出色的图像,确保了逼真的体验. 带上你的朋友,在室内享受户外运动的体验! Reserve and pay for a 1-hour timeslot at
Ropes Course
绳索课程是学员培养解决问题能力的好方法, communication, 决策和信任技能以及获得强烈的自我价值感和成就感. EAC为大学团体和外部社区成员提供项目. 这条赛道的挑战范围从离地2英尺到30英尺以上.
Rental Center
Leave your outdoor equipment at home. EAC租赁计划拥有您下次户外探险所需的一切. 你可以花一小笔钱租用帐篷、睡袋、桨板和自行车等设备. 租赁店位于山顶娱乐中心的抱石墙后面.